Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Congress notes

There I was at this world class, brand name congress on lofty business ideals. In a 5-star hotel in KLCC no less. My take on the event? 20 minutes of moderately good stuff crammed into two full days.

Never one to let an expensive event go to waste, I made note of the memorable moments. In pictures. Here are four. The last one is my reflection of the sorry state of innovation in this country, brought on by a minister's totally unnecessary keynote address.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


If you've never used a spoontula you don't know what you're missing. 

If you don't cook you will appreciate the curves - not the usual geometry or symmetry, but gorgeous, flowing, organic lines.  

If you cook, they are a joy to use. The flat edge is perfect for frying and scraping. And the spoon works like, well, a spoon.

For my friends in hardware or English-teaching, I hope these spoontulas will inspire a crop of spadovels. (